At Pizzeria Prima Strada, we only serve the best. If it doesn’t come straight from Italy, it has to be local. From the ingredients on our pizzas, to the wines we pour, this is our philosophy – our golden rule.
That’s why this month ‘til the end of Summer we’re featuring Venturi Schulze’s Piccolo wine.
Haven’t heard of them? They’re located just North of Victoria in Cobble Hill.
Like Prima Strada and the majority of our community partners, Venturi Schulze is a family-owned business. They’re as passionate about wine as we are pizza. For them, making wine is definitely a labour of love – the proof is in their product.
Like all of their wines, their Piccolo is handmade and organic. It’s a slightly off-dry white wine that we think pairs amazingly well with our feature salads and all lighter fare at PPS.
See for yourself! Next time you visit PPS, ask your server for a glass of Venturi Schulze’s Piccolo. You won’t find it anywhere else! We absolutely love it. We know you will, too!
Cin cin!