Years ago, Geoffrey and I heard a story about Patsy Grimaldi. When he’d sold his famous (well, famous to us pizza lovers) pizzerias, he’d agreed to a non-compete clause. At the time of telling, Pasty would have been in his seventies. We laughed with awe and appreciation. The new owner was really worried Patsy would open another pizzeria? Yes, indeed.
A few years ago, my dad called from Brooklyn to report Juliana’s was opening next door to Grimaldi’s. Yes, indeed. The non-compete clause had ended. The lettering on the window proudly proclaims Founded by Patsy Grimaldi. Coal Fired New York Sired. Patsy’s in his 80’s now and still doing what he’s passionate about – making pizza. We are awed and inspired!
Here’s my dad’s note – along with a photo of the 2.
Me and Patsy Grimaldi at Juliana’s. He was very interested in Prima Strada. Went through your web site with me. I couldn’t answer all of his questions. You can when you’re here. Left him your card.
Needless to say, we are looking forward to our next trip to Brooklyn.
Vince DeCarolis and Patsy Grimaldi – November 2013